Prayer Topic #13: A Prayer for Mature Adults Scripture Reading: Psalm 16:5-11, Titus 2:1-5 Reflections of the Heart: We live in a society that celebrates youthfulness and looks…
Prayer Topic #9: A Prayer for Caregivers Scripture Reading: Psalm 99, I Corinthians 13 Reflections of the Heart: “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life--that…
Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer Regarding Racism in the United States Scripture Reading: Psalms 34:1-22; Deuteronomy 10:17 Reflections of the Heart: “We hold these truths to be self-evident,…
Prayer Topic #6: A Declaration of God’s Miraculous Power Scripture Reading: Luke 8:40-56 Reflections of the Heart: God’s miraculous power formed the world with His words and parted…
Prayer Topic #5: A Prayer of Healing for People Diagnosed with Cancer Scripture Reading: Psalm 106:1-5, Isaiah 53:4-5 Reflections of the Heart: By praying the Word of God,…
Prayer Topic #4: A Prayer for U.S. Military Personnel Scripture Reading: Psalm 147, Ephesians 5:15-20 Reflections of the Heart: We praise You, O Lord our God, King of…
Prayer Topic #2: A Prayer Regarding the Radical Redistribution of Wealth Scripture Reading: Psalm 113, Deuteronomy 8 Reflections of the Heart: As we listen and obey God,…
Prayer Topic #1: A Prayer of Healing over COVID, Cold and Flu Scripture Reading: Psalm 96, Isaiah 53:4-5 Reflections of the Heart: As children of the Most…
Prayer Topic #15: A Prayer for the Christian Education Department and R.E.A.L. Life Bible Studies Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 2:1-2, Acts 17:11 Reflections of the Heart: May Christian…
Prayer Topic #14: A Prayer for Healthy, Happy Marriages in Our Windsor Village Church Family Scripture Reading: Psalm 98, Genesis 2:15-25 Reflections of the Heart: Marriage is not…
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