Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer for the City of Houston Elections Scripture Reading: Psalm 106:1-5, I Timothy 2:1-6 Reflections of the Heart: Paul admonishes all Christians are to…
Prayer Topic #6: A Prayer of Blessings for Our Church Family Scripture Reading: Psalm 121, Isaiah 62 Reflections of the Heart: May the Lord bless you and protect you.…
Prayer Topic #4: A Prayer for Salvation Scripture Reading: Psalm 99, Romans 10 Reflections of the Heart: Freedom: some people have killed for it; others have died for…
Prayer Topic #2: A Declaration of Truth and Honesty in the Media Concerning the State of Texas Election Scripture Reading: II Samuel 22:47-51, James 3:1-12 Reflections of the Heart:…
Prayer Topic #1: A Prayer Regarding Economic Recovery in the United States Scripture Reading: Isaiah 40:18-29, Isaiah 62 Reflections of the Heart: “Economy is the method by which…
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