Prayer Topic #3: A Prayer of Repentance for the United States of America Scripture Reading: Psalm 33, Jeremiah 5:20-31, II Chronicles 7:12-22 Reflections of the Heart: We are living in a…
Prayer Topic #2: A Vacation Prayer for Our Windsor Village Church Families Scripture Reading: Psalm 47, Ecclesiastes 3:9-13 Reflections of the Heart: “It is in his pleasure that…
Prayer Topic #15: A Prayer Regarding the Radical Redistribution of Wealth Scripture Reading: Psalm 113, Deuteronomy 8 Reflections of the Heart: As we listen and obey God, we…
Prayer Topic #14: A Prayer of Obedience and Self-Control for Our Families Scripture Reading: Psalm 81:1-8, Deuteronomy 6:1-8 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus said, “If you love me,…
Prayer Topic #13: A Prayer for the City of Houston Scripture Reading: Psalm 123, Romans 13:1-7 Reflections of the Heart: There is a rich cultural, professional, educational, medical…
Prayer Petition #10: A Prayer for Our Church Staff and their Families Scripture Reading: Psalm 97, I Thessalonians 5:12-28 Reflections of the Heart: What an honor and a privilege…
Class Name: Kingdom University Day & Time: SAT | 10 AM Facilitator(s): Pastor Craig Barnett, Bessie Ford & Alice Thompson Class Description: This six-week study is about what the…
Class Name: The Book of James, A Closer Look Day & Time: SAT | 10 AM Facilitator(s): Frankie Hall, Patricia Cannon & Joye Redhead Class Description: True faith…
LIFE LESSONS FROM LUKE (Sundays, 8 AM) UPDATED: October 13, 2022. Good afternoon, Kingdom Builders! Study Material Link: OR dial by your location +1 346…
Prayer Petition #9: A Prayer for Our Communities Scripture Reading: Psalm 133, Acts 2:42-47 Reflections of the Heart: “One man may hit the mark, another blunder; but heed not these distinctions. Only…
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