May 13, 2020 Prayer Topic #13: A Prayer for Our Business and Retail Leaders Scripture Reading: Psalm 104:24-35, I Corinthians 12:12-14 Reflections of the Heart: As you…
Prayer Topic #12: A Prayer for Our Health Professionals Scripture Reading: Psalm 104:24-35, John 16:1-15 Reflections of the Heart: As you count the Omer this evening, say this,…
Prayer Topic #11: A Prayer for the United States Economy Scripture Reading: Isaiah 12, John 3:1-6 Reflections of the Heart: As you count the Omer this evening, say…
The invitation offered is to come forward to dedicate one's life to Christ, to become a member of the congregation, or to offer prayer. Dial: 346 235 1704 Virtual Altar…
Prayer Topic #10: A Prayer for Our Mothers Scripture Reading: Psalm 97:1-9, I Corinthians 2:9-12 Reflections of the Heart: As you count the Omer this evening, say this,…
Happy Mother’s Day! “STILL, I RISE!” I Samuel 1:5-18 I. INTRODUCTION Happy Mother’s Day, once again, to all biological mothers and all women who have served and are serving in the…
Prayer Topic #9: A Prayer for Our Students, Parents and Educators Scripture Reading: Psalm 145:1-13, Romans 14:17-19 Reflections of the Heart: As you count the Omer this evening,…
Prayer Topic #8: A Prayer for Parents of Children with Special Needs Scripture Reading: Psalm 119:65-72, Romans 8:26-28 Reflections of the Heart: As you count the Omer this…
Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer for Abused Children and Youth Scripture Reading: Psalm 117, Luke 24:35-49 Reflections of the Heart: This is the ______ day of the Omer.…
“Triumphant Through Trouble!” Exodus 17:8-16 I. INTRODUCTION It would be an understatement to say that we’re living in troubling and uncertain times. It has also been said that a Believer’s…
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