Prayer Topic #14: A Prayer for Economic Development in Our Community Scripture Reading: Psalm 108, Genesis 41:47-57 Reflections of the Heart: God believes in economic development. He wants a community to…
Prayer Topic #13: A Prayer for People Looking for Employment Scripture Reading: Psalm 47, Ezekiel 34:25-31 Reflections of the Heart: God knows exactly what His children stand in need of. His…
Prayer Topic #12: A Prayer for Persons with Renegade Blood Disorders Scripture Reading: Psalm 145:3-21, James 5:13-16 Reflections of the Heart: Jesus personally carried our sins in His body on…
Prayer Topic #11: A Prayer for Healthy, Happy Marriages in Our Windsor Village Church Family Scripture Reading: Psalm 98, Genesis 2:15-25 Reflections of the Heart: Marriage is not just a…
Prayer Topic #10: A Prayer for the Singles in Our Windsor Village Church Family Scripture Reading: Psalm 33:1-9, Jeremiah 29:11-14 Reflections of the Heart: A life of singleness is meant…
Prayer Topic #9: A Prayer for College Students Scripture Reading: Psalm 135:1-13, Daniel 1:1-17 Reflections of the Heart: The benefits that a college education affords are priceless. It is a…
“CHURCH HURT” Part Two INTRODUCTION “Church hurt” tends to have a special sting (for some) because they believe, think or sense that The Lord is involved somewhere and somehow in the hurt process. Additionally, since The…
Prayer Topic #8: A Declaration of Success for The Power Center Scripture Reading: I Chronicles 29:10-15, Proverbs 16:1-9 Reflections of the Heart: God has blessed our Church Family with…
Prayer Topic #7: A Prayer of Declaration for the Ephesians 3:20 Initiative Scripture Reading: Psalm 24, Nehemiah 2 Reflections of the Heart: “The master said, ‘Well done, my good…
Prayer Topic #6: A Declaration of Kingdom Provision Scripture Reading: Psalm 138:1-5, Deuteronomy 28:8-14 Reflections of the Heart: “We can be certain that God will give us the…
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