“TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS!” Luke 2:41-52 INTRODUCTION As we inch closer to the Spring Feasts season, it is imperative we remember why we are doing what we are doing. First,…
If you would like a PDF version of this prayer, please click here. Also, if you are in need of a prayer concerning suicide among youth and adults, please click…
“NO, NOT YET!” Luke 7:11-17 INTRODUCTION One day, we will all die! It is an inescapable and unavoidable reality of life. Indeed, while death is inescapable, its impact can still…
“YOU CHOOSE!” Psalm 1 Introduction Psalm 1 provides believers with a very simple and straightforward Biblical model for living a joyful life. The psalmist states plainly but powerfully: a believer’s…
“BLESSINGS FROM THE BOTTOM!” I Kings 17:7-16; Psalm 23:4 Introduction Normally, when members of the Christian community think about and refer to miracles, we habitually assume they are eye-poppingly abundant…
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